Synchronisation des bases de données via Wi-Fi
Synchronisation des bases de données via Wi-Fi
Synchronisation des bases de données allows you to easily and securely sync your Safe + data between iOS devices and Macs.
Synchronisation between two devices is started from the Réglages.
The same version of Safe + and the same Mot de Passe must be used on both devices.
Before you start Synchronisation, please make sure that Wi-Fi is enabled. For the Wi-Fi connection to work, it is not necessary that both devices are connected to a common base station, since communication is established directly between the devices. We also recommend switching off Bluetooth on at least one of the two devices.
You also need to grant Safe + access to the local network via Réglages iOS / Safe +.
Synchronisation needs to be started on both devices simultaneously, from one of the devices invite the other, then confirm the invitation on the other device.
During the Synchronisation a detailed progress status is displayed.
Synchronisation is based on unique identifiers for categories (folders) and items. Each modification is tracked with a timestamp, so that the most up-to-date data is used on both devices.
Since (when data was not synchronisé for a long time) there may be unexpected results, a backup is created before each Synchronisation from which Safe + can be restored to the previous state.