Displays the standard functions in the extension drawer. (more)
Displays the custom functions in the extension drawer. (more)
Displays the binary functions in the extension drawer. (more)
Displays the log in the extension drawer.
The prefix # identifies a binary number. For example, if you type the binary number #101010 it will return the decimal number 42 .
The prefix $ identifies a hexadecimal number. For example, if you type the hexadecimal number $2a it will return the decimal number 42 .
Digits to enter hexadecimal numbers.
Binary operator and
Binary operator or
Binary operator xor
Binary operator not
Binary shift left. The number is padded with zeros at the end, the overflow is left out.
Binary shift right. The number is left filled with zeros and truncated at the end.
Binary rotation to the left. Overflow is added at the end.
Binary rotation to the right. Digits from the end of the series are used to fill the left.